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Jack Rabbit Wales
I know what you're thinking...
Who's the Man behind the Hare?
Well, in all of the confusion I sorta lost track myself
So ya got to ask yerself a question...Do I feel lucky
Well, do ya...ELMER!?!?!

For more about Jack Rabbit Slim -- Click on JRWales' Picture

Hiya, Before you get started in the merilous activities (read 'Shotfaced')
I'd really, really like you to:
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Well, here it is, my Pad on the WWW, hope ya like it. Well, actually I don't care either way if you do or not, but you're here so make the most of it. This site has no purpose implied or otherwise, that is, other than a place to come after work when you're downing some of your favorite ALE.

This site is but a fledging, an infant, a surging plethora of ideas and concepts, which will grow stronger and stronger as it consumes more and more power in it's never ending quest, to rid the world wide web of those that attempt to poison and destroy my brothers, to take arms against a sea of troubles, to cut the Albatross from the neck of the internet, to boldly go where no Ebay Bidder has gone and ask the questions that even Art Bell shies away from, to make contumely of so long life, to end the famine of 404s, to stand tough against...
Whadda heck dya mean, Overdramatic? 'sbetter than that Frugal 'Under Construction' crap innit?

And then for something comple...
well pretty fruitfully different --
read the #1 best seller:

You'll laugh,
You'll cry,
You'll format your Hard drive,
But you'll learn the secret that Juana doesn't want you to know.

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